Latest Release: “A Light Has Come”

The song “A Light Has Come” reminds us that the “good news of great joy” is still the greatest news to be told. It is also a prayer that the Spirit of God would powerfully work through His people to see the Light of the world transform our community.


The song Provide is rooted in Scripture and the truth that our Heavenly Father will provide everything we need. As a follower of Jesus Christ we can be sure that “God will supply every need…according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:19 ESV). May this song encourage you to take a fresh grip on God’s promises, trusting that He will never forsake the work of His hands (See Psalm 138:8).

Other releases from Crown & Arrow Music:

Album: The Spirit & The Bride

This 7 song debut album from Crown & Arrow is a collection of songs that are laid back, enjoyable and packed full of truth. Songs like “Faithful” and “Cover Us With Your Love” are songs that are easy to listen to, fun and relatable. Songs like “Welcome Here” and “Have My Heart” remind the listener of the important role that absolute surrender plays in seeing God do amazing work in a person’s life. The song “Your Grace Is Sufficient” is a song that reminds you that God’s grace is sufficient today, tomorrow, and for all time. “The Spirit And The Bride” and “See Your Face” beckon the listener to not lose hope, to keep their eyes on heaven and to keep Jesus as their first love.


Listen to the title track below:

More About the Title Track - “The Spirit & The Bride”:

The song, “The Spirit And The Bride” was written as a reminder that this world is not our home. When this world is shaking from fearful events or disturbing news, followers of Jesus have a foundation that remains steadfast. The Bible calls the collective of believers in Jesus “the church.” It also refers to the church as the bride of Christ. One day Jesus will return for His bride and the heart of each believer should long for His return. There is so much that could be said about Jesus’ sacrifice and love for His bride the church. We encourage you to learn more by reading the book of John. You can read it by clicking here.

Every person has the opportunity to be a part of the church by simply receiving Jesus’ free gift of salvation and choosing to devote themselves to Christ and His calling on their lives. We hope this song brings fresh strength and encouragement to the church and every weary soldier who needs to be reminded that this world is not their home.